Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesday, May 31st - Psalm 6

Good Evening!
How are you tonight?  Are you tired?  Are you discouraged?  Are you crying out?  Do you long for His love?  I do!

Lisa's tweet from this morning:  LMRMinistries: Psalm 6:  I love the raw honesty here.  We all go through times when we are worn out with trials.  God hears our cry for mercy and accepts us.
We all face days when it seems nothing goes right.  Our children get on our nerves and we remember that they are our little blessings, but....  We go to work and are in a fairly good mood - talk to one person about their horrible weekend and they bring us down....  We get home and are met with all the laundry, the grocery shopping, homework, a project that needs to be done tomorrow, etc. and we feel defeated.
We go to our quiet place and begin to pour out our souls to God and ask Him to deliver us! Sisters, He hears and answers our prayers with His unfailing love!  He meets us right where we are!  We can be down and filthy and He picks us up, brushes us off and says, "Come my child, you need some rest."  We rest in His arms of love and know that He is in control.
I think it was last week that I wrote about the fact that God longs to be loved.  He accepts us right where we are and we just need to seek Him and find Him and love Him.  He wants our love!  His love and mercy is everlasting!  He hears our weeping; He hears our cries for mercy and He accepts our prayers! 
We serve an awesome God!  He wants only the very best for us!  Seek His face each and every day and strengthen your personal relationship with Him.  He wants to be a part of everything that you do!  We need to talk to Him about everything - the big and the small!

I love y'all!
Sleep well!
Cheri Lynn

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