Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thursday, May 19th - Psalm 34:15-22

Good Evening GEMS!

Did you enjoy the beautiful day today?  Sunshine - a slight breeze - a little warmer temperatures - and did you notice all the smiles?  It is amazing to me the number of smiles you see on sunny days and the number of "Good Morning!"; "Have a good day!"; "It's a great day!" phrases you hear as you walk through the halls at work or school or wherever.

Don't we as Christians have the "SONshine" everyday?  Do we let it shine?  Do we cry out to the Creator of this light?   Our passage of Scripture today says that the Lord's ears are attentive to the crys of the righteous.  He delivers us from all our troubles!  We are the righteous!  We are His children!  We are Heirs to the Throne!  We will live eternally with Him! 

If you are not walking in righteousness, please call someone and confess to another sister or friend.  Confess - pray and move forward in your walk with the Lord!  

I love y'all!  I am here for you and the Leadership is here for you!  Drop us a note if you need to talk or need specific prayer. 

In His Service!
Cheri Lynn

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