Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Poem by Peggy - Open It

Several of you have asked about the poem Peggy recited Wednesday night and it is finally here!  As you read it, would you please pray for Peggy (the author) and all of us (GEMS) that we may be bold and share our faith with all we meet!

Open It

A lump came to my throat and stayed,
But there's no need to be afraid.
There's conversation to be made, if I just Open it.

I must keep trying to be kind,
And share with all the joys I find.
I'll try not to close my mind, but Open it.

And each day from the very start,
I'll try to do my Christian part.
I'll love my neighbor with all my heart. I'll Open it.

With these gifts I plan to soar,
for God has told me to plant more.
I know He led me to this door to Open it.

So when I hear the flute or fife,
there will be no more pain or strife.
because of how I lived my life, I Opened it.

And then God will not hesitate,
He'll see no further need to wait.
He'll turn to Peter at the gate and say, "Open it!"
                                                      ~ Peggy Nichols

Thank you Peggy!  I love it!  May you continue to share with us and others!

Have a great day!
Cheri Lynn

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