Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday, May 15th - Psalm 105:1-5

Good Evening GEMS:

What a day!  It has sure been rainy and dreary outside, but what about inside?  Has the SON shone through?  Joel Craig did a great job at church this morning with the sermon!  How did you spend the rest of the day?  I pray that the start to a new week has been a good one!

Our passage of scripture tonight is amazing!  Psalm 105 is a psalm of praise.  Verse 1:  "Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make known among the nations what He has done."  A call to thanks and a call to Missions!  Share the message wherever you go - to the Nations!  Something that is near and dear to my heart - Missions!  As you pray each day this week, remember Bethany, one of our own that is leaving for the Mission Field in just a few weeks. 
Verse 2:  "Sing to Him, sing praise to Him; tell of all His wonderful acts."  It doesn't matter if you can sing or not - share your story of what the Lord has done for you!  How has knowing Jesus changed your life?  Share what GEMS means to you!  Share and 'sing' praise to Him before others!
Verse 3:  "Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice."  Sit at His feet daily and seek His face!  Rejoice before Him and know that we have the freedom to approach Him whenever we desire.  Pray without ceasing!  Pray in prayer!  Rejoice!!
Verse 4:  "Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always."  He wants to help us along this path called life!  He gives us the strength that we need.  He is concerned about the small things as well as the large things!  Seek His face!  Know that He is God!  Know that He is all powerful!  Look to Him for help!  Give thanks for His strength and His protection and His provision for every detail of our lives!
Verse 5:  Remember the wonders He has done, His miracles, and the judgements He pronounced."  He created this world and His Hand can be seen in every day, week, month, year, millennium; past, present and even the future.  We have read the end of the book and we know that HE is RETURNING to take us HOME!!!  Maranatha!!!  Come Lord Jesus!!

Thank you Lord for my many blessings!  I love You!

Cheri Lynn


  1. Thanks so much for the time and comments you put into each day of scripture. I love being encouraged by it.

  2. Beautiful reflections. I never get tired of hearing how dimensional the Word is -- how one passage can speak so many things to all who read it. It is really precious to "read" your heart here. Thanks for sharing.
