Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunday, May 1st - Galatians 6:7-10


How was your Sunday?  Mine was great and we enjoyed a beautiful day together as family.  The church service was awesome and even though the weather turned a little chilly and wet, it was a great and blessed day!  Today's passage was pretty timely!

As I read today's passage in Galatians, I was reminded of our I Heart MC campaign!  There were and are some awesome stories and testimonies of doing good for those in our community.  Showing and sharing the love of Christ with others!  That is what we are called to do! 
I love to give to others and have a hard time receiving, but have been on that end as well.  Some of you may remember that first Wednesday night after Mother's day several years ago when GEMS had just started.  I shared the following with tears flowing! 
I went to the Single Mom's Morning Out at E-Free and was blown away!  I walked in and the foyer or hall way was lined with all the volunteers.  As I walked down through this line, they all clapped and yelled encouraging words and phrases.  I lost it!  I was being appreciated for being a single Mom!  I was pampered physically (massage, foot washing/lotion, hand care, etc.) and spiritually, as I went to the prayer room and was prayed with and for, and finally all needs were met when I received breakfast and lunch!  :o)  I shared with my GEMS that evening that I was always one that gave - teaching, singing, caring for kids, choir, vocal teams, helps ministries, etc.  This is one of the first times in my life that I was able to receive!!  I cannot even express what I felt and how my heart overflowed with gratitude and love!
I have been to the Single Mom's Morning Out ever since and I usually meet up with my good friend and sister - Phyllis Summers and we get pampered and then sit and drink coffee and fellowship with each other and others around us!  It is a great time!  Don't forget to sign up for this year - May 14th!

My memory verse of this passage:  Galatians 6:10 - "...as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."

I love y'all!  Have a great week and know that you are being prayed for and lifted before His Throne!
God Bless!

Cheri Lynn

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