Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuesday, May 3rd - Psalm 40

Good Evening!

I hope y'all have had a great day!  I especially hope that Phyllis Summers had a great birthday!  Happy Birthday Phyllis!!!

Our passage of Scripture tonight is long, but has lots of good stuff.  I love the Psalms!  There is a lot to unpack in this chapter and I am not going to take time to do that as I would be writing for hours.  I have chosen a few select verses or partial verses that I think speak to us.

Let's get started!

Psalm 40
vs. 1 - waiting patiently is not easy, but it always pays off!
vs. 2 - God cares for each one of His own!  He lifts us from the mud and puts us on solid ground!  He loves to take care of us, if we but let Him!
vs. 3 - He gives me a new song every morning!  I will praise Him for all long as I have breath.
vs. 4 and 5 - our blessings are too many to count.  He takes care of us!
vs. 8 - I desire to do Your Will!  My desire is to get closer to Him each and every day and to serve Him with an undying love and enthusiasm!
vs 9 and 10 - Share your faith with everyone - Let them see Christ in you - you may be the only Jesus that they might see!
vs. 16 is my memory verse from this passage:  " But may all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; may those who love Your salvation always say, 'The Lord be exalted!'"  Psalm 40:16

Thank you for Your Words of encouragement Father God!  May we be dangerous witnesses for You!  May we share our faith with others!  May we be patient and wait on You!

Love y'all! 
Cheri Lynn

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