Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Friday, July 8th - Psalm 44

Good Morning!

I have my phone back!!  Not actually my phone, but a replacement!!  This may seem like a little thing, but I was kind of lost and out of touch without it, and so I am glad to have it back.  :o)  I even got Lisa's tweet on my phone this morning!

Lisa's tweet:LMRMinistries: Psalm 44:We always want to avoid suffering-we cry out so God will get us out of it. But, it can have a purpose-22. Continue to praise God-8.

We were created in God's image.  He created us to have companionship and a relationship - we were created to love Him!  He has taken care of us from the beginning and continues today.  As the psalmist writes in the first verses - God led their fathers to victory, He cared for them and provided for them.  He does the same today!
Yes, we want to avoid suffering, but sometimes it does help us grow in our relationship with Him!  God is my Heavenly Father and He disciplines at times just like my earthly father did.  HE wants me to grow and mature in Him and follow in His footsteps.  I long to be more like Him!

"In God we make our boast all day long, and we will praise Your name forever." vs. 8
It doesn't get any better than that - praising Him all day long and sharing His message with all those we meet.

Have a great Friday everyone and be encouraged - we are praying for you!

Cheri Lynn

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