Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday, July 3rd - Psalm 39

Good Morning GEMS,

Well, this morning is a little different in that I didn't receive Lisa's tweet on my phone!  My Blackberry decided to take a swim in the Lake yesterday and so I am without my phone!  Talk about being lost!  :o(  I will have to get it replaced when I get back home, but it is tough as I realize how much I have come to depend on it!  Maybe this is a good thing?

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 39: It's really unspiritual to complain about your life, right? No, but it does matter to WHOM you complain. Go to God and Godly people.

Our conversation last night around the supper table kind of related to this subject.  We weren't necessarily complaining about our lives, but wondering why certain trials and hurts had happened in our family.  My sister was saying how much a song speaks to her about this - "Blessings" by Laura Story.  Seeing the miracles and blessings in things around us, and sometimes through tears of sadness yet we see how positive it affected someone else.  The comment was made that sometimes the blessing is not for us, but we are used to bless someone else.  My Mom talked about her first breast surgery and how she was calm and relaxed because she felt the "blanket" of prayer over her.  The nurse came in and asked, "You are lying here getting ready for surgery that may change your life forever and yet you are smiling and relaxed - How is that possible?"  My Mom went on to share the Gospel with that nurse and the seed was planted.
There are some things that we may experience that we will never know why they happened until we get to heaven, but we make it through not by complaining to others, but running to God and His people.  He is our refuge and our strength!

I praise the Lord today for another opportunity to live another day and embrace the challenges that come my way.  May I see those that need to hear about my Savior; may I speak His love to those I meet; and may I hear and feel His promptings to share with each one!  HE is my strength and HE is my Rock!  I will run to Him and bask in His goodness and love!

Have a wonderful Sunday as you worship our Lord and Savior - Jesus!

Love and prayers!
Cheri Lynn

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