Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saturday, July 30th - Psalm 67

Good Morning!

I wasn't real sure if I was going to be able to blog this morning as I am at Little Galilee Camp on a mini retreat with the Eastview Missions Team.  I brought my Mom's aircard and I am set!  :o) 
We got down here about 6:30 last evening and had supper and then spent the whole evening getting to know each other through an ice-breaker called "Me in 3".  It was great!  There was laughter and tears and just a great time!  We had ice cream sundaes and stayed up late just talking.  Lots of memories at this camp from my younger years!  We had an awesome prayer time last night too!  I am really looking forward to today!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 67: God is the God of ALL. God will not harm His people.  Those who resist Him choose to stay outside His just covering-4.  Pray for them.

I can hear the music or tune of the praise song from verse 1 and 2.  Actually, the whole Psalm is a song that we can sing to Him.  I actually prayed these verses this morning as I sat here in the quiet. 
It is interesting to me that as I sit here with the Missions Team discussing the nations and our part of the Great Commission - that this psalm discusses the praise that needs to come from His people.  Nine or ten times the psalmist references "the earth", "the peoples" and "all nations".  Verse 2 has our marching orders: "may your ways be known on earth, your salvation among the nations."  Share the Good News!

Let's praise Him as we go throughout our day!  Thank Him for all His blessings, but pray for those that do not know Him and the opportunities we have to share His promises and plan of Salvation!

Love and prayers to all!
Cheri Lynn

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