Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday, October 31st - Psalm 139

Good Morning!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 139 v 23-24:  Dear God, "Search me" and if You see that I am worrying about something or I am being offensive-show me so I can let it go.

This is one of my very favorite psalms.  It is praise, it is encouragement, it is a pleas and a prayer, it is a psalm of thanksgiving, and a psalm of acknowledgement.

God knows each of us better than anyone else in the world, in the universe.  He made us!  He knows everything about us - our personal habits, our likes and dislikes, our thoughts and even the words we speak before they are uttered.
There is no place to hide that HE is not there!  He protects us!  He watches over us!  He loves us and we love Him.

I love verses 13 through 16.  There have been songs written with these verses, book written and sermons built around these verses.  Verse 14 is a good memory verse: "I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

The psalmist goes on to write that God is everything - His thoughts are precious; His presence is always with us and He protects us.
Then in verses 23 and 24 the psalmist pens the prayer that I hope we all pray on a regular basis: "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."

Remember the old hymn taken from this passage of Scripture?

Search me, O God, and know my heart today,
Try me, O Savior, know my thoughts I pray;
See if there be some wicked way in me;
Cleanse me from every sin, and set me free.

I praise Thee Lord, for cleansing me from sin;
Fulfill Thy Word and make me pure within;
Fill me with fire, where once I burned with shame;
Grant my desire to magnify Thy name.

Lord, take my life, and make it wholly Thine;
Fill my poor heart with Thy great love divine;
Take all my will, my passion, self and pride;
I now surrender, Lord, in me abide.

O Holy Ghost, revival comes from Thee;
Send a revival, start the work in me;
Thy Word declares Thou wilt supply our need;
For blessings now, O lord, I humbly plead.

Make this your prayer today!  Spend some time in the Word and ask our Heavenly Father to search your heart and your thoughts.  Are there changes that need to be made?  Listen....

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