Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tuesday, October 18th - Psalm 126

Good Morning!

Hope you are well this morning and enjoying the cooler temperatures.  I really miss the sunrise though!  It's getting later and later and is now after 7:00am.  I went downstairs and turned the heat on this morning!  :o)  Guess it will probably stay on now!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 126:  I look forward to the day when "captive" people for whom I have been praying to accept Christ will say God "has done great things".

I am with Lisa on this thought.  I also look forward to the day when those I have been praying for to accept Christ will come and I will know they are a part of the family because He has done great things.
Then I wonder, am I doing my part?  Am I sharing the Gospel with those I meet?  Am I praying enough for my friends that don't know Christ?
Verse 5 really jumped out at me and caused me to remember a friend of mine.  I witnessed first hand my friend weeping for the lost and on several occasions, wept with her.  I know we have experienced great joy as we have seen many come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, but we anticipate the day that we will rejoice even more.

We must plant the seeds and then pray that they will grow.  Others may come behind us and help "water" by sharing their story of how Jesus has changed their life, but only God brings true growth and salvation! 

Won't you take a moment even as you read this, to pray for those that do not know Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord? 

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