Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday, October 6th - Psalm 119:129-136

Good Morning!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 119/129-136: Unfolding (130) Wow - incredibly true.  Sometimes the Bible seems hard to understand. But, if we truly study, God unfolds it.

These eight verses are all about being in the Word and learning and living by the Word!  The very first words are that God's Word is wonderful!  Think how much more wonderful it is today when we have the whole Bible and the psalmist only had a portion!
Verse 130 is exciting.  The Word of God gives understanding and it brings light!  Have you ever been reading a passage in the Bible and all of the sudden you "understand" or it speaks to you?  It's like the little light bulb goes on and we get it!  The more we read His Word and study It, the more we will understand and the more we will want to learn (131).

Verses 132 through 135 are the psalmist prayer.  Notice how the psalmist wants the relationship with God to be more - "Turn to me", "Direct my footsteps", "Redeem me", "Make your face shine upon me", and "teach me".  I want to pray these words!  I want God to unfold His Word to me and I want to know and have more!  The chorus comes to mind: "I want to know You more, I want to see Your Face!"  That is my desire!

I read a quote yesterday that said, "The devil loves dreamers. He is terrified of doers."  Wow!  What a challenge - I want to be a doer!  How about you?

Have a great day!

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