Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday, October 29th - Psalm 137

Happy Saturday Morning!

Today is my Mom's 75th birthday and I wish I was down in Missouri to celebrate with her, but because of technology, we will see her and talk to her this evening through Skype.  Yeah!
It is going to be a great day here!  What opportunities will come our way to share and serve and tell others about Jesus?  Be on the lookout!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 137: When things are hard - what else can we do, but stubbornly recall that we are God's?  He doesn't forget.  Joy isn't based on circumstances.

It is so easy to "forget" when things are going wrong or are tough.  Many times that is when we begin to rely on our own strength.  We don't want to "bother" God with the little stuff until it becomes huge and then we "run" to Him and ask for His help.
God is with us all the time and He longs to be a part of every minute of our lives.  HE doesn't forget us at all!  He is there!  He is here!  He will always be!  He loves us!

Remember when Lisa spoke about joy in our hearts and that it isn't the same as "happy"?  Therefore her last statement is so true - "Joy isn't based on circumstances."  We have the joy of the Lord all the time and yet there are times of sadness, times of frustration, times of happiness (more than the others usually), and times of great joy!  It is kind of hard to explain, but the joy in our hearts is the knowledge, the saving grace and the love of Jesus!

Remember the second verse of the first chapter of James that says we should consider it pure joy whenever we face trials of any kind.  God does not and will not forget!  Rejoice and be glad! 

Make it a great day and be on the lookout for those opportunities!

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