Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday, October 12th - Psalm 120

Good Morning! 

What a great night at GEMS we all enjoyed last evening.  Lots of food, fellowship and a great message from the Word of God!  It was a good night!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 120: We all want peace, but too often, we find ourselves in "war" zones in our lives.  Do you speak peace into your world as a response?

Well, we are moving on in the Psalms and the psalmist has a similar message that we saw in Psalm 119.  He calls on the Lord God in times of need in his life.  He cries out for God's protection.  He calls for peace.  God can give it all!

There are so many times we find ourselves in very stressful situations and "war" zones as Lisa referred to in her tweet.  Sometimes is seems like never ending chaos!  How do you react?  Just as God was with David, HE is with us!  He will come and bring calm to chaos and peace.  We must do our part and pray and ask for His peace.  He is always with us!  Call on Him!

In today's world we are bombarded with so much through the media, through advertisements, and even work and school.  We need to have that 30 minutes, hour or even a little more, where we rest in His arms and we communicate with our Heavenly Father - God!  Speak His peace into your world today and know that God is with you!

Praying for you!

Have a great day!

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