Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday, October 11th - Psalm 119:169-176

Good Morning!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 119/169-176: "Let me live that I may praise You."  The reason for sticking around on this earth-that my life points others to God.

As we come to the end of Psalm 119, we end with praise.  Words like praise, sing, and delight are mentioned as the psalmist cries out to God.  He lives by the Word of God, it is his life.  He asks for understanding knowing that God will provide.  He knows that God is with him and will help him every step of the way.

Praise is on his lips and in his heart.  The Word of God is his delight.  Verse 175 is the verse that Lisa wrote in her tweet: "Let me live that I may praise You."  Wow!  Let us live that we might carry out the Great Commission and share God's love to the ends of the earth.  Let me live that I might sing Your praises and make a difference in my co-workers day!  Let me live that I might help another person in need.  Let me live that I may help others see God and HE will change their lives forever!

Through Psalm 119 we have learned so much about trust, leaning on the Word of God, having a personal relationship with God, obedience and consequences, hiding the Word of God in our hearts, and praising God through it all!  His love will sustain us, through the job we must do - Share the Gospel!!

"Let me live that I may praise You."  May my life and yours point others to God!

Have a great day!

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