Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday, September 23rd - Psalm 119:25-32

Good Morning!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 119/25-32: Your soul weary?  God will strengthen you through His Word (28). Things in you that need to go?  God's Word teaches us how (29).

There seems to be an underlying theme in this Psalm - God has provided the tool kit for life - The Bible, God's Word!
It provides:  guidance - strength - answers - comfort - encouragement - how to's - wisdom - teachings - relationships - history - and - God's love story to us!  Amazing!

Notice that in these verses and those previous, the psalmist writes that he meditates on The Word, he has set his heart on the Word, and he holds fast to The Word.  That is how we need to be as children of the King!  We need to hold fast to God's Word, we need to set our hearts on it and meditate on His Word. 

A time each day set aside for Him is a start.  The Bible really does have everything we need and coupled with Christian fellowship and corporate worship, it is amazing! 
I am so very thankful for my Christian family - my sisters and brothers in Christ - that help me through each day!  God has provided His support system for each of us and shows His love through them.  Yes, sometimes it is tough love, but His love is strong and never ending.

Have a great Friday!

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