Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday, September 15th - Psalm 114

Good Evening GEMS!

Have you had a good day?  Mine has been pretty emotional, but good just the same.  Today is my Dad's 75th birthday and I really wanted to be with him today, but...  I have talked to him several times and he said he has had a good day! :o)   
I accompanied my daughter on her first field trip and we went to the library.  I watched as she interacted with the kids and the adults and I was so very proud.  She is growing up before my very eyes.
After the field trip we went to pick out her new glasses.  I was told once again that it will be like she is seeing the world for the first time when she puts them on as she hasn't been seeing for quite some time.  I just feel so bad!  I have shed many a tear today as I think of her not seeing the world as I do or we do.  I am so thankful for doctors that have the knowledge and tools to diagnose and correct her problems, but most of all grateful that God gave us a good Christian Eye Doctor that cares about children and is helping Derlani.  She should have her glasses next week and will be seeing things a lot clearer!  Praise the Lord!  God is good all the time and all the time God is good!

Lisa had some trouble with her tweet today, but I finally got it when she sent it the second time.  Anyway, I got it and here it is!
Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 114:  Written about a factual time when God intervened for His people.  Makes me think about His deeds that MY "song" would include.

God took care of His people as He brought them out of Egypt even though they wandered in the wilderness for years, He still provided for them.  They had food, they had water, they were protected and then they entered the promised land.  Yes they complained and were punished, but God still took care of them.

God is the very same today as He was in years gone by!  He will be the same tomorrow as He is today because He never changes.  He cares for us and gives us everything we need - HE LOVES US!!  He is calling today - will you come Home?  Follow Me!  I have given my life for you and I long to have a relationship with you as you study My Word and learn to pray and converse with Me.
"Come you weak and heavy laden and I will give you rest!"

Have a great evening!
Love y'all!
Cheri Lynn

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