Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday, September 14th - Psalm 113

Good Evening!

Sorry I am a little later with the blog today, but things have been crazy!  My little one started kid's choir tonight and Nathaniel started Creative Arts - Puppet Ministry!  I am so very proud of them.  It is absolutely fantastic and exciting to be a part of the Family of God!  I love it!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 113: Our holy God cares for all people, especially those whom society overlooks.  What can you do today to show God's care to the poor?

The first three verses of this psalm have been set to music and several of our worship songs use this passage.  We sing one that starts with verse 3 - "From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, let the name of the Lord be praised!"  I love these verses! 
Verse 4 and 5 are praise too!  He is exalted over all the nations.  His glory is above all the heavens!  Our God, the One that is enthroned on high!  Hallelujah!

He takes care of the poor and the needy and those women who have not been able to have children.  He places them in a place of prominence and He cares for everyone! 
Just as He cares for each of these, He cares for us!!  We are His children and He cares for each one of us!  He hears and answers our prayers.  Sometimes we are the answers to others prayers and He uses us to do His good work!  Look for those opportunities!

What can we do to show God's care to the poor?

Have a great evening!
Cheri Lynn

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