Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Saturday, September 3rd - Psalm 102

Good Evening!

I thought I would try and write a bit before I went to the Call Center this morning, but got involved in some other activities and didn't get it done.  It was a very busy day, but rewarding.

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 102: It is easy to choose to become isolated when we go through trials.  Reach out to God and to those He has given you for support.

This Psalm was really encouraging to me in many ways.  It contains praise and worship and general encouragement for all!  I have lived this psalm.

A few months ago I was really going through some tough times with things from my past that were brought back to my memory and made me feel feelings that I had not felt for a very long time.  Feelings that scared me and yet made me feel desperate and hurt.  It was very painful!  It would have been very easy for me to clam up and just try and bury the feelings and fear yet again, but I didn't!  I turned to two very close friends and sisters and asked for prayer and also talked it out.  It was not instantaneous, but I began to feel a peace and love that drove the bad out and filled me with love and understanding and a peace that only HE can give!  
I thank Him daily for giving me sisters and "family" that can help me through and support me through the tough times and the good times.  HE IS FAITHFUL!  There is nothing better than turning to the Family of God for help, for support, for fellowship and for love!

Remember we are here for each other!  We are family!

Love y'all!
Cheri Lynn 

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