Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday, September 27th - Psalm 119:57-64

Good Morning!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 119/57-64:Do you have both feet walking with God? (59) Consider how your day went yesterday; turn away from things that do not please God.

Wow!  There are some cool thoughts in this passage of Psalm 119.  The psalmist indicates that the Lord is everything to him.  He desires to follow and obey.  The psalmist has daily time with God. (58, 62)  It is so important to have that personal relationship with God.  Time to commune with Him through prayer, reading His Word and worshipping with your church family.

In verse 59 we see that the psalmist has considered God's Way and has decided to follow in His footsteps or take the the path less traveled.  Interesting that we just heard a sermon about having both feet going the same direction and not trying to have one foot in the world and one foot on God's path.  It is difficult, but doable!  I will ask Lisa's question again:  Do you have both feet walking with God?

I mentioned that we need to have fellowship with our church family and worship together.  This is so very important!  (63)  Our GEMS meetings are a part of that time of fellowship and worship, but we need that Sunday morning praise and worship time too!  We need to be encouraged, held accountable, and worship together.

Tonight is our GEMS night and I hope to see y'all there!  Come and have a great time of food, fun, fellowship and spiritual feeding!  It will be great!

See ya tonight!
Have a great day!

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