Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Friday, September 30th - Psalm 119:81-88

Happy Friday Morning!

The weekend is almost here and for some has already started as they don't have to go to work on Fridays!  I have a lot going on this weekend and look forward to every minute!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 119/81-88: How long?  When u are suffering, it's not a lack of faith to ask God that.  Look whom you chose to ask - that shows Whom you trust.

God's promises are true and He is faithful!  It is very hard sometimes to see why it takes so long, but God's timing is perfect!  He knows our limitations, He knows everything about us and He is helping us grow in Him through the tough times and the suffering. 
I go back to the top 20 song I mentioned a couple weeks ago - Blessings.  We may not see His Hand in our situation, but what if the Blessing comes through tears?  God is there is every moment and HE will hold us up!
I am weak, but HE is strong!  HIS love will help us through the tough times and the good times.  God is ALWAYS with us through His Holy Spirit!  As you look back over your life, can you see His Hands and His presence with you in different situations?  I can - time and time again.  I can also remember how I would ask: "God are you here?  Do You hear me?"
I have even asked that as recent as a couple of weeks ago!  The answer?  "YES, My child, I am here and have your very best interest in Mind! I love you and will take care of you!"

Put your trust in HIM and HE will never fail you!

Have a blessed day!

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