Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Saturday, September 10th - Psalm 109

Good Saturday Morning!

What a great night I had last night with the Upward Flag Football teams.  It is great to be a part of such an organization where the participants can have a lot of fun, learn the game, be encouraged, learn about teamwork (cheerleaders too), and do it all in a Christian atmosphere.  We pray before each game, we have devotions, and we give glory to God!  It's awesome!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 109 (6-15):  I don't pray these bad things on someone who may be talking badly about me; but I do pray they are forced to see the truth.

It is really tough at times to not retaliate for things that are said or done to us because it is human nature.  These are the times that we need to run to God and cling to Him and know that He is our Protector, our Shield, and our Fortress. 
Did you notice verse 4?  The psalmist writes:  "but I am a man of prayer."  That is what we need to be - a person of prayer!  We need to pray for our enemies, our accusers, the slanderers, the friend that betrayed us, and others.  We need to pray that they will see the error of thier ways and see the TRUTH!  That they will see JESUS!  Better yet, that they will see Jesus in me - in you - in us!!!

Remember what we have talked about several times in our GEMS meetings and devotions and at church?  You may be the only Jesus that someone sees!  Are we living like that is true?  Am I letting Christ shine through me so that others can see?  Are you?

I am praying for y'all today and hope you have a great day!
Cheri lynn

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