Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday, August 31st - Psalm 99

Good Evening!

Busy day again today!  Sorry I didn't get this written this morning, but with working the Call Center, my parents being here and taking the kids to daycare and school, I ran out of time!  I'm not complaining though, as it has been great to have Mom and Dad here for a couple days.  They leave in the morning and we will miss having them around!

Lisa's Tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 99 v6-8: We ask God for help; He answers; He expects us to live out the answer.  When we sin, there are consequences AND forgiveness.

God hears and answers us as well, when we pray for help or for wisdom.  He also disciplines us as His children!  However, He forgives!!!! 

Did you notice three different times in this psalm God is referred to as Holy!  Verse 3: "Let them praise your great and awesome name--he is holy."  Verse 5: "Exalt the Lord our God and worship at his footstool; he is holy."  And finally, verse 9:  "Exalt the Lord our God and worship at his holy mountain, for the Lord our God is holy."
We serve an awesome God and He is a forgiving God and most worthy of our praise!  Will you stop what you are doing right this minute and enter into a few minutes of communion with God?  Praise Him for who He is - Worship Him with joy in your heart!  Repent of any sin in your life today - for impure thoughts or actions.  He will forgive!  Ask whatever is on your heart - I am asking for a little extra energy and for safe travel for my folks tomorrow as they return to Missouri.  And finally, Yield to Him - surrender and let Him be the Lord of your life!  He hears and answers prayer!  He loves us!

Hope you have a great evening!  I love y'all!
Cheri Lynn

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday, August 30th - Psalm 98

Good Evening!

I apologize for being late today, but I was called to the Corporate Catastrophe Call Center to help with phone calls from Hurricane Irene.  It has been a long day!  Sorry!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 98: All the earth belongs to God. No corner is untouched-no person outside of God's desire.  All must choose Him-our Savior & our Judge.

Praise and music are all through this Psalm.  Notice the different actions and instruments mentions:  Sing a new song; shout for joy; burst into jubilant song with music; make music with the harp; with the harp and the sound of singing; with trumpets; blast of the ram's horn; shout for joy before the Lord, the King; let the sea resound; let the rivers clap their hands; let the mountains sing for joy and sing before the Lord.
Can you see the picture?  We will all be singing and praising the Lord Most High and He will judge and do so in righteousness. 

As Lisa said, we must choose!  Who do you choose?

Have a great Wednesday!
Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn

Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday, August 29th - Psalm 97

"Good Morning!  Good Morning! Good Morning!
It's time to rise and shine!
Good Morning! Good Morning! Good Morning!
I hope you're feeling fine!
Wake up you sleepy head - Rise up get out of bed!
Good Morning! Good Morning! Good Morning!
It's time to rise and shine!
            Now for my version:

Good Morning! Good Morning! Good Morning!
It's time to rise and shine!
Good Morning! Good Morning! Good Morning!
I hope you're feeling fine!
Rise up and praise His name - show everyone that Jesus reigns!
Good Morning! Good Morning! Good Morning!
It's time to rise and shine!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 97: Idols - what do you turn to when you are stressed: food, spending, tv, internet, reading, drugs, friends, partying?  Go to God first.

"The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad;...The heavens proclaim His righteousness, and all the people see his glory....For you, O Lord, are the Most High over all the earth; you are exalted far above all gods....Rejoice in the Lord, you who are righteous, and praise His Holy Name!" vs 1a, 6, 9, 12.
God is IT!  There is no other like Him!  He always was - is - and will forever be!  HE wants us to run to Him in times of stress, trouble, happiness, joy, sadness, and all other times. 
We need that personal relationship with Him, so that we feel comfortable approaching Him with everything and sharing our most intimate thoughts and dreams.

In today's world, where we all feel stress, it is easy to turn to the things that Lisa mentioned first, but we need to train ourselves and make it a habit to go to God first!  Having a quiet time during the day is a great start!  It can begin with fifteen minutes sometime during the day.  Make it the same time every day - read the Word and pray!  You will be amazed!
I know when I am stressed I pray and then I go to friends and ask them to pray with me, but then there are times that I go to food soon after!  :o)  I am a work in progress and He is changing me day after day!  I am so glad that HE is not finished with me yet!  :o)

Remember:  Our God Reigns!!!!

Love y'all!  Happy Monday!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday, August 28th - Psalm 96

Good Morning!

What an appropriate Psalm we have for today!  A psalm of praise!  As I read it I thought of all the praise songs that we sing and all taken from different verses of this very psalm. Verse 7 forward inspired our own Matt L. to compose a praise hymn! God is good and most worthy of our praise!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 96: Praise and praise some more! Look at all the action words - sing, proclaim, declare, ascribe, worship.  Find new ways to praise today.

This is not only a song of praise, but also encouragement to share with ALL nations and peoples!  "Proclaim His salvation day after day.  Declare his glory among the nations. His marvelous deeds among ALL people." (emphasis is mine)  Nations, all peoples, and the earth are mentioned several times throughout this passage.  Sharing the Word is important!

Have you ever looked at the definition of sing?  I did this morning and this is what I found:  "sing (verb): 1. a. to produce musical tones by means of the voice; b. to utter words in musical tones and with musical inflections and modulations   2.  to make a shrill whining or whistling sound   3.  a. to relate or celebrate something in verse;  b. to compose poetry;  c. to create in or through words a feeling or sense of song   4.  to produce musical or harmonious sounds   5. buzz, ring   6. to make a cry   7. to give information or evidence   8. to relate or celebrate in verse   9. to bring or accompany to a place or state by singing".
From the different definitions above, I think everyone CAN sing!  There are no excuses!  Some that sing may be more melodious, but everyone can sing!  :o)
Look at number 3 and 8 -  to relate or celebrate - sharing the Gospel through song!  I really like number 9 - to bring or accompany to a place or state by singing - as we come before His Throne in worship and song!  Maybe this is why I have tears so often as I enter His presence and realize how much I love Him and want to serve Him and how very grateful I am for His love and grace.

Wow!  Read this psalm over again throughout the day and find new ways to praise Him that are special to you!  Sing this very psalm to Him.  Go out in His great creation and shout your praise to Him.  Bow and kneel before Him!
"Sing to the Lord a new song!"

Have a wonderful, praise-filled and prayer-filled day!
Love y'all!
Cheri Lynn

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Saturday, August 27th - Psalm 95

Good Morning!

What a beautiful day!  Today is a special day for my family, as it is Derlani's Adoption Birthday!  What a blessing!  It is so much fun to celebrate with family and friends and we will do just that today for Derlani!  She is so excited!  It's going to be a great day!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 95 v 6: Bow and kneel. How often do you physically bow and kneel as you pray and worship? I need to do it more! I am more focused then.

This is a psalm of praise and adoration!  Can't you hear the music as your read?  This is a good psalm to sing to the Lord!  He loves to hear His children sing His Word!  It is a sweet offering to Him.  "Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our Salvation." vs. 1
Many of the verses of praise are repeated throughout the psalms, as music was an important part of David's life.  He was a musician, both of instrument and voice.  Throughout the psalms you see his talents and his love for music.  I can relate to David and I love to sing God's praise!  Music is such a big part of my life and I absolutely love musical worship!  I usually have tears running down my face as I worship in song, but I just feel so "connected" and blessed and loved as I praise my God, my Savior and Lord.

Verses 3-5 discuss God's creation and that HE is God!  As I read on in verses 6 and 7 I was reminded of Psalm 23.  Let us bow down and worship!  Kneel before our Maker and our Lord!  He is our God and we are the people of His pasture - the flock under His care!  Can you see it?  I have a picture in my mind that is so peaceful and yet so strong!  I see the Shepherd (Jesus) standing on a hill overlooking the pasture.  There is a brilliant light around Him as I see Him open and extend His arms as if to orchestrate the worship!  There are hundreds, thousands, even millions of people (sheep) that begin to bow and kneel before Him!  We are safe as He takes care of us!  I hear a trumpet and the music begins - we, His people, begin to sing and worship and enter His presence with thanksgiving.  Wow! (The tears are rolling!)
Can you see it?  Can you hear it?

I, too, need to bow and kneel before the Lord more!  I want that intimate focused time with Him.  Will you join us?  Let us be more purposeful in our quiet time posture - let's bow and kneel before the Lord and give Him thanks and have that intimate conversation with Him.  He is worthy!

Have a great Saturday!
Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn

Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday, August 26th - Psalm 94

Good Morning!

It's Friday!  We are almost to the weekend!  What big plans have you made for Saturday and Sunday?  I hope to see some of you out and about and at church!  It's going to be a great weekend!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 94:If a person convinces himself there is no God, he can do evil without concern. God is justice.  He created us and comforts His own.

The psalmist is pretty straight forward in this writing.  He speaks of those that do not believe there is a God and asks them pointed and logical questions as to why or how can they not believe there is a God.  Verses 8-11 ask the questions: Can the creator of the ear not hear?  Can the Creator not see even when He created the eye?  Does He who teaches man lack knowledge?  It is almost like the psalmist wants to say, Duh?

I have had the privilege of being raised and growing up in a Christian home and I am very thankful for my Christian parents.  I really do not know how I would make it if I didn't know I could turn to my God, my Savior and my Comforter for help, or encouragement, or guidance.  Through prayer, through the reading of His Word, and through His people (my friends, family and you - GEMS) I can walk tall with Him and share His love and Salvation story.

Verses 12-15 remind us that He will take care of His own.  He cares for us!  He loves His people!  Then in verse 16 He gives the call to missions - to share His story and His love!  Will you take a stand for God?  He will protect you, support you, and console you!  I will take that stand!  Will you join me?  Let us go out today and share the Gospel with those we meet. 
Let's be fearless and dangerous and ridiculous as we share His love!

Have a great Friday!
Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday, August 25th - Psalm 93

Good Morning!

Let's get right to it!  :o)

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 93: Reigning, Power, Majesty, Strength, Mighty, Holy, Firm, Unchanging...This--and so much more--is our God!

We serve an awesome God!  The attributes Lisa listed that are in this psalm are just a few.  There are so many more throughout Scripture! 

Just take a few minutes today to praise Him and use these and other descriptive words in your prayer.  "Father God, I praise You this morning in the midst of Your beautiful creation.  You are powerful!  You are gentle!  You are forgiving and loving!  I worship You, O God!  I love You!"

I am going to go and do some more praising and praying!  Have a great day everyone!

Love y'all!
Cheri Lynn

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday, August 24th - Psalm 92

Good Morning GEMS,

Praise the Lord we finally got some rain yesterday!  I even got wet going to my car for lunch, but I was okay with that, as we needed it and it felt pretty good!  I used to love to walk in the rain (when there was no lightening/thunder) and sing and pray.  Just something about it that was relaxing and peaceful.  Strange, I know!  :o)

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 92: Palm tree/cedar tree: Vital, flourishing, not moved by circumstances, bigger and stronger with age. Let's be like them - Sing for joy.

I love this Psalm of praise.  Verse 1: "It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High..."  I love to sing praises to the Lord!  I find myself humming or singing or whistling almost all the time.  Verse 2 says that we should proclaim His love in the morning and His faithfulness at night.  I think it is safe to say that we should be in communication with and communicating our Lord and Savior, our God, ALL the time! 

It continues in verse 4, that it makes us glad and we sing with joy at the works of His Hands.  God has given us everything we need and would should rejoice!  Verse 8 says it all, "But you, O Lord, are exalted forever."  Eternity!  No beginning and no end!

The imagery of the trees - the palm and cedar - is amazing!  They are two of the strongest trees that God created.  The palm tree is a little more flexible and gives with the wind and doesn't brake.  The cedar is tall and strong with very deep roots.
I especially like verse 14, "They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green."  I can take that verse to heart as I raise my young children in my "old" age!  :o)

As Lisa said, let's be like these trees: vital, flourishing, not moved by circumstances, and stronger with age.  Let us proclaim His love and faithfulness today and everyday!

I love y'all!
Cheri Lynn

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday, August 23rd - Psalm 91

Good Morning!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 91: An "if then" psalm. First, we make our allegiance to God known, THEN we get to rest under His protection. :o) - Vv 1, 9, 14.

I love verse 2 where the psalmist declares that God is his refuge, his fortress and in Him he trusts.  Me too!  I will praise Him with my life because I trust Him and I love Him.

Read the last three verses again. (vs 14, 15, 16)  Look at the promises of God!  We love Him - He rescues us; We acknowledge Him - He protects us; We call on Him - He answers; He will be with us in trouble; He will deliver and honor us; He will show us His Salvation!
Hallelujah!  He provides everything we need and we will live with Him forever!  It doesn't get any better than that!

As I wrote earlier, I will sing with the psalmist: "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."  He is in control and I trust Him completely!  There are still times that I try and take some control back, but through the Holy Spirit I receive the gentle reminders that He can do it much better than I can.  It is not easy, but I know that He is always with me and protecting and guiding me!  I do not know how I would make it through a day, a week, a month, or my life without Him.  HE is my Lord and Savior and in Him I trust and love!

How about you!  Where are you today?

I am praying for all of you and especially the new GEMS season starting on September 6th!  Can't wait to see everyone again!  Y'all rock!!!

Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn

Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday, August 22nd - Psalm 90

Good Morning!

Another beautiful day!  Yesterday was just awesome - witnessing all the baptisms and seeing the tears of joy freely roll down the faces everyone.  Such an exciting time for all of us! 

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 90: Our sense of time is so small compared to God's eternal filter...good to remember when we have a hard time waiting on God's timing.

It is so hard for us to comprehend eternity and/or explain it to our children.  It is difficult because we have a beginning and an end - we are finite people - created that way by our God.  He is an infinite being - no beginning and no end - He has always been, always is and forever will be! 
Time for Him is so different than what we think and experience. 

However, time is precious and we should use it wisely.  How we use our time is important and we should share the Good News to all we meet.  Living for Him and knowing that we will spend eternity with Him is overwhelming at times, but so exciting too.  We will praise Gos forever and ever!  He will send His Son Jesus back to take His Church home (Heaven) and there will be no more death, no more crying, no more tears, no more sickness, no more fear.....

His timing is not ours, but it is perfect!  Trust Him and He will answer!

Have a great Monday everyone!
Love and prayers,

Cheri Lynn

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday, August 21st - Psalm 89

Happy Sunday Morning!

It is going to be a great day!  I am excited to go and praise God with my brothers and sisters at church and worship Him through praise, prayer and the study of His Word.  Thank you God for this freedom!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 89: In my Bible, I highlighted all the words/phrases that are characteristics of God (great, love, faithfulness, etc.) I came up with 55.

Wow!  This Psalm is packed full of description.  As Lisa said, there are many words and phrases that describe God.  Can you find 55?  Take a look and highlight them.  As you find each one, think about it and thank Him for His greatness and the fact that He loves you and me and all His children.

"I will sing of the Lord's great love forever, with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations." Ps: 89:1  This is the verse I claim today!  Actually, I could claim the whole psalm, but this verse just touches my heart!  I love to praise my Creator and tell others of His love!  Claim your verse for the day!

I love you all and I am praying for you!
Enjoy your SONday! 
Love and prayers,

Cheri Lynn

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saturday, August 20th - Psalm 88

Good Evening GEMS!

I apologize for being later today, but I have a good reason!  :o)  I was participating in the GEMS Leadership Retreat and we were taking a rest from technology.  Yes, most of us had our phones and kept them turned on vibrate in case the kids called or needed something, but that was pretty much the extent of technology.  No TV and no radio!  It was WONDERFUL!  Just us - God's beautiful creation - mosquitoes and locust - His Word - and a little stuffed lamb! 
Sleep deprived for one night and yet I feel so refreshed and new!  It was great and I really enjoyed getting to know the leadership better, but most of all I enjoyed praying for each of you and the GEMS Ministry!  I am so proud and honored to serve y'all and to grow right along with you!  We serve a GREAT and AWESOME God!

On to Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 88: Even when things are horrible, CHOOSE to pray.  CHOOSE to remember who God is - that He is able - He's been 'there' before with someone.

The psalmist writes from the heart and does so with such conviction and passion.  No matter how tough things got, he always went to the Lord God for strength, for peace, for encouragement, for guidance, and for love.  He was always praying - not just in the bad times, but in the good times too!  What an example for us!

Do you ever have days when you feel like nothing is going right, nobody is paying attention to you, you are overwhelmed with 'life' and feel you take two steps backwards for every half step forward?  Take heart, be encouraged because HE is with you and will comfort you and will walk beside you!  HE has been there before, in every situation.  He cares for you and He is willing to walk every step this side of Heaven with you, if you but ask!  Give Him control - surrender to Him and let Him lead.  HE will take you to places and do things with you that you never thought possible.  HE will do the impossible if you but surrender!

We read a passage in 2 Kings 3:9-20 this morning and I would challenge you to read it and meditate on it.  Then ask yourself this question: What ditch do I need to dig?

I love y'all!
Cheri Lynn

Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday, August 19th - Psalm 87

Good Morning!

It's Friday!  I hope you have had a good week!  It is going to be a very busy weekend for many of us as we attend a GEMS Leadership Retreat. It will be a great time of reflection, relaxation, rest, and rejoicing in the Lord.  Please pray for us!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 87: God's foundation is His people (1). One day, all nations will acknowledge Him (3-4). I rejoice that God already says of me "This one".

As I have said before, the Psalmist uses such imagery to tell the story, the story of God and His Plan for His people!  He loves His people!  He cares for His people!  He desires a personal relationship with His people - each one!
Can you imagine that final day?  The day that God the Father says to His Son Jesus: "It is time, Go and get Your Bride - My Church - My people!"  Every nation - the world - will bow down and acknowledge Him - "Praise to the Lord God Almighty - the Alpha and Omega - the Beginning and the End - the Creator and the Finisher - Praise to the Lord God Almighty!"  All His people will be caught up with Him in heaven and live eternally with Him!  Hallelujah!  Maranatha!  I rejoice with Lisa as well that God already says of me, "This one!".  How about you?

I love the song "I Can Only Imagine" and especially the chorus:
"Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel,
Will I dance for You Jesus or in awe of You be still
Will I stand in Your Presence or to my knees will I fall
Will I sing Hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all
I can only imagine!
I can only imagine when all I will do
Is forever, forever worship You!"

What will you do?  Think on these things today!  We are His people and we are to share His salvation story with everyone, so that they too can live with Him eternally and worship Him forever! 

Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thursday, August 18th - Psalm 86

Good Morning! 

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 86: This is AN AMAZING PSALM if you are hurting, feel lost or know someone who is.  Pour out your stuff to God - then receive His strength.

God is amazing!  I had been reading some email late last night and early this morning from one of our GEMS that is serving overseas as a teacher.  She and her son have had some big adjustments and have she had sent out a special prayer request.  In her emails she refers to Psalm 55:17, "Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and He hears my voice."  She has turned it all over to Him and He is hearing and answering her prayers!  Hallelujah!

Read verse 7, "In the day of my trouble I will call to you, for you will answer me."  That is exactly what we need to do each and every day, but not just when we are in trouble.  We need to have that personal relationship with Him so that He knows even before we ask! (He does of course, but He likes us to share it with Him!) 
In verses 11-13 we have action words that we should follow:  Teach - Walk - Fear - Praise - and Glorify!  The result, "For great is your love toward me, you have delivered my soul from the depths of the grave."

As Lisa said, this Psalm is full of encouragement and love for us.  The last verse says it well, "...for you, O Lord, have helped me and comforted me."  He cares for us and He gives us peace, comfort, understanding, strength, and most of all love!  Pour out your stuff to God and He will give you strength and comfort!  "God is good ALL the time; All the time God IS good!"

Please remember our sister and her son in prayer as they serve together in a foreign land.  We have an awesome God that hears and answers our prayers!  Rest and know that He is God and He is in control!

Love y'all!
Happy first day of school!  :o)
Cheri Lynn

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wednesday, August 17th - Psalm 85

Good Morning!

This week is just flying by and I can't believe school starts tomorrow.  My kids are so excited and ready to go.  I can remember my school days and how much I wanted to get back to school to see my friends, to begin using a new note book, and have all new school supplies.  I still have a very hard time not buying bunches of stuff for me!  :o)  I did buy a couple note books last night!  :o)

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 85: (1-3) "Choices" God makes that reveal His heart (4)  We break the covenant with God, then ask Him to restore us.  Choose right living.

God accepts us for who we are, but is willing and able to change us and make us new!  Yes, we still sin and He is faithful to forgive, but we need to strive to be more like Him.  To follow and give Him complete control.  To listen to Him and share His Good News!

I love the last verses of this Psalm.  "Love and Faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other. Faithfulness springs forth from the earth, and righteousness looks down from heaven."  I think of the Father (God) as LOVE and us trying to be the FAITHFUL.  We meet together through God's Son - Jesus who is RIGHTEOUSNESS.  He came and died and rose again so that He could provide our hope of eternal life with Him.  We are still here on earth and He is watching and looking down from Heaven - waiting for the Father to say, "Go and get my Church, Your Bride!" 
What a glorious day that will be!  We will all be together praising our God and our Savior.

I hope you each have a great day!
Cheri Lynn

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tuesday, August 16th - Psalm 84

Good Evening!

Sorry I am running a little late with the Blog today, but I had some other things come up and didn't have time this morning after my devotions.  I hope y'all had a great day! 

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 84: v1-2) There is peace in the house of the Lord. V 3 - All are counted worthy by God - even the most insignificant sparrow - and He loves you.

I used verses 1 and 2 this morning as status on my Facebook page.  All I can say to verse 2 is AMEN!  Do you ever have that feeling, that your heart aches because you want to know Him more?  Have you ever been in communion with Him and just started to cry - wanting to see God, wanting Him to hold you in His arms, and wanting more of His presence?  There are times when I have been praying and it feels so good it hurts!  I feel His presence and yet long for more!  I want to be more like Him! 

In verse 4 we see that those who dwell in the House of the Lord are forever praising Him.  That is what we have to look forward to in eternity!  Hallelujah!
Verses 10 and 11 are a chorus that we sing at Eastview and hear on the radio occasionally. "Better Is One Day"!  And verse 12 says it all, "...blessed is the man who trusts in You."  Blessed is the one that trusts in God for everything - the one that allows Him complete control of his life - the one that runs to the Father with everything - the little and the big.

I will praise You forever!  You are my Rock and my Fortress!  I trust in You!!  I love You, Lord!

Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn

Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday, August 15th - Psalm 83

Good Morning!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 83: People without God work so hard to defy Him - but they live in chaos. V16 - a perfect prayer for those outside of Christ.  Seek Him.

In Bible times and through today, people have worked hard to defy and destroy the name of God and His work.  It was the same in David's time as it is with us today, except we have a few more communication tools. 
Think about it...we just have to read the newspaper or look at the Internet and have instant access to the world.  Look at the chaos in the world today!

"Cover their faces with shame so that men will seek your name, O Lord." vs 16  "Let them know that you whose name is the Lord--that you alone are the most High over all the earth." vs 18

We have our work cut out for us!  Share the Good News!  Seek His Face! 

Have a great day!
Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday, August 14th - Psalm 82

Good Morning!

It looks like it is going to be a beautiful day!  I thought we would get more rain than we did yesterday, but at least we got a little moisture.  I saw the clouds forming and thought we were in for a storm and then it started to hail! I was amazed!  It rained for a little bit and then the sun came out.  I went outside to go home from a friends and found this:
Look at the detail and the size!  Needless to say, I was amazed!
Okay, let's get on with the devotional thoughts for today.  :o)

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 82: God is taking earthly judges to task (2-5).  He is the Ultimate Judge - but humans in power should be representing Him.  Pray for them.

I don't have a lot to add to Lisa's tweet/thoughts today, other than to ask that you and I pray for our leaders today.  I mean all of our leaders!  Let me, if I may, provide a little direction:
     *  pray for Mike Baker and our Eldership at Eastview, that they might continue to listen to God and seek His will and direction
     *  pray for the other Ministers and Leaders of the many ministries, including Nicki and Lisa for GEMS!
     *  pray for our City government officials - both Bloomington and Normal
     *  pray for our State government officials
     *  pray for our President and our National government officials
God has asked us to pray for our leaders and the government and we need to listen and obey!

Hope to see some of you at church this morning!  Have a great day!

Cheri Lynn

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Saturday, August 13th - Psalm 81

Happy Saturday morning!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 81 v 10: God says, "Open wide your mouth & I will fill it." If my mouth is open, I cannot be spouting off - and in silence I can listen!

We can definitely learn from this Psalm.  It is a history lesson told with such clarity.  As has been said for ages, we learn from our mistakes and better ourselves in the process.  Let us heed His Word and we will be filled and satisfied!

Music was so important to the psalmist and I can relate to that in a big way.  The first few verses of this psalm are filled with music terminology - "Sing for joy to God our strength"; "Begin the music, strike the tambourine, play the melodious harp and lyre"; "Sound the ram's horn."  God loves music!  Sing to Him today!  Praise Him!

God cares for us and wants to bless us with everything, just as He did for the people of Israel.  However, He asks that we LISTEN and obey.  Verse 8: "...if you would but listen to me..."  Verse 11: "...but my people would not listen to me".  Verse 13: "If my people would but listen to me, if Israel would follow my ways,..." 
I go back to Lisa's tweet and the fact that if our mouths are open, we cannot be talking, but listen!!!  If we but LISTEN to Him, He wants to bless us and care for us and provide the very, very best for us!  I love the last verse of this psalm: "But you would be fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you."  Wow!

So, are we listening or are we following our own devices - going our own way in stubbornness?  I want to listen and obey!  I want to be a part of the very best that God has for me and His children - His Church! 
Let's listen and obey!  Let's sing to Him our strength!  Play the harp, the piano, the tambourine, the trumpet and all instruments to His praise!  He is my joy!  I will forever praise Him!

Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn

Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday, August 12th - Psalm 80

Good Morning!

It is Friday and we have made it through another week.  Does it seem like time is flying by for you?  I just can't believe how fast the summer has flown by and the kids will be starting school next week!  My nephews started Monday of this week.  Whew!  What a great time to look at your priorities and possibly rearrange - remove - re-energize - respect and remember what is important.  This is on my list of "to do" for this weekend and next week.  How about you?

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 80: If you are needing God to restore you, ask God to show you any areas where you have not kept to His ways. God is faithful - are you?

There is a recurring verse in this psalm that I love: "Restore us, O God; make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved." (vs 3) In verse 7 the psalmist adds "...O God Almighty..." and in verse 19 he adds yet again "...O Lord God Almighty..."
In some of the translations the words "Turn us" are used.  It is said that He is "turning" or restoring our character and not necessarily our circumstances.  In verse 3 we see the Creator God - in verse 7 we see the Almighty God that is to be feared or be in awe of Him - and then in verse 19 we see the I AM, the all powerful God! 
I look forward to the day when I will kneel before His Throne and praise Him with my whole being (with a new body) and allow His face to shine upon me!  It will be brilliant and full of light!  My earthly eyes cannot even imagine or look upon His face with the brilliance of light, but I will see Him face to face in Glory!  Hallelujah!!
It is all about conversion - communion and confidence of salvation!  As Lisa said, God is faithful - are we? 
Take time to examine your life and ask God to speak to you!  What better time than today? 

Have a great day everyone!
Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thursday, August 11th - Psalm 79

Good Evening!

It was rather hectic at my house this morning and therefore I didn't get my blog done.  Sorry!  My parents left this morning to return to Missouri!  We miss them already!  It was great having my Mom here for almost three weeks.  The kids sure do like having their grandparents around!  Me too!  Mom and I had some great conversation while she was here.

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 79 v 10: People scoff at God.  If we never hear that, we're only hanging out with believers.  Pray for opportunities to speak about Him.

I see this all the time and everywhere!  I see it at work, at restaurants, malls, and even in the schools.  We have a big job to do!  I love to share the Gospel with those that I meet, but sometimes it is hard.  How about you, do you find it hard to talk about our Living Lord and
Savior?  We must share the Good News!

I like the 13th verse: "Then we your people....will praise you forever....generation we will recount your praise."  No matter the circumstances, we (I) will praise His Holy Name.  He is worthy of our praise!  Share the many blessings you have been given - share His love with those that do not have - show His love through your serving in His Kingdom!  He loves you and so do we?

Talk to you in the morning!
Love and prayers,

Cheri Lynn

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wednesday, August 10th - Psalm 78

Good Morning!

Let's get right to it as we have a very long Psalm today!  :o)

Lisa's tweets: LMRMinistries: Psalm 78: Israel's history with God.  He gives, protects and provides, but like spoiled kids, Israel asks for more (9-20).  Be grateful to God.

LMRMinistries: Psalm 78: (extra!) Do we-like God (52) and David (70-72) act as shepherds to those around us?  If we love God, we will take care of His people.

The history of Israel in a psalm!  This is the cliff notes version!  :o)  After reading it, I look at today's world and realize it is the same.  God provides and still more is requested!  Have we learned?  Are we learning?  As Lisa wrote and I agree, are we being the shepherds that God has called us to be?

Did you notice in the first verses of this psalm how the history was shared and remembered?  It was shared from one generation to another.  Unfortunately, I think we have lost this art of sharing.  Sometimes it seems we are too busy to look back!  We can learn so much from what has happened in the past. 
My Mom has been writing a "book" to pass on to us that has her family's history.  It is all so very interesting as we look back to our ancestors and see how God was at work in our family tree!  My grandmother and I spent hours going through old pictures and writing down names and working on our Family Tree.  It was fun!  She dies while I was in Portugal and I came home to sing for her funeral.  I was a little upset with God as He had taken my mentor Home and I wasn't ready to say good-bye, but I understood a little better on the day of her funeral.
I got up to sing and looked out over the crowd and my eyes were drawn to our family sitting in the first five to seven rows.  There sat my Grandpa who was a minister; their five children - two sons were ministers in churches in Pennsylvania and Ohio; two daughters were ministers wives in Illinois and Tennessee; and the remaining daughter was a widow of an elder in the church in Michigan.  The grandchildren filled the pews as well and all of us had a personal relationship with Christ and several were ministers, ministers wives, missionaries, and students of the Word.  What a legacy my Grandma had left behind as she went Home!  God knew it was time for her to be with Him and leave the work to her family!
Sorry to get so personal, but I share all of that to say that we have a job to do!  We are to be the shepherds and preachers and teachers of our generation!  We are called to share the Good News!  Let us go and share with pride in our Christian heritage and take care of God's people. 

Hope y'all have a great day!
Love and prayers!
Cheri Lynn

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tuesday, August 9th - Psalm 77

Good Morning!

God provided a little rain yesterday and I was happy to get wet!  :o)  As the storm went through yesterday evening, I saw a beautiful rainbow and stopped to pray!  It was just another reminder of the mighty God I/we serve.  The sky was awesome with all the color as the storm rolled through at sunset! 

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 77: Sleepless night because of worry? Look at the peace that comes when we shift from "I" (1-12) to remembering what "YOU" has done (13-20).

Oh how very true!!  What a simple mind shift or attitude adjustment can do for us!  There are so many times that I wonder how much longer can this go on and then think about God and His perfect timing and awesome power!
God is the same yesterday, today and forever!  He led the Israelites out of Egypt and He leads us today!

Take a moment today to reflect on the many blessing you have been given, but most of all, thank God for His gift of eternal life - that one day, in His time, we will be with Him in Glory, forever!

Have a great day!
Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn

Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday, August 8th - Psalm 76

Good Morning!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 76: It's comforting to know that God - while loving - also shows anger and judgement.  He gives boundaries and demands respect - Perfect Parent.

Our God is powerful!  He is a God of order!  He has made rules to be followed and He is the Judge!  He is fair and upright!  He cares for and loves His children and will discipline them (us) because of His love.

Being a parent is not easy!  I don't know how I would do it without God on my side!  I know I am not perfect and there are times I wonder if i am doing anything right, but I am reminded that God is watching over me and the children and I daily put it all in His hands.  Yes, I trust in God to provide the wisdom and patience to raise my children, that they know Him and see Him in me.  It is hard, but I love being a Mom! 

My Mom has been here for two weeks helping with Nathaniel and it has been such a blessing.  It is so different than when I was growing up!   We talk on a different level and remember how things were when I was growing up and how much different it is raising kids today than in years past.  However, there is one thing that is the same and has not and never will change - God!  I was raised in a Christian home and I am raising my children in a Christian home. 
I praise God every day for the little blessings He has entrusted to my care and I pray that I will follow His lead and bring them up in His ways.  I love my children so very much, but also know that they belong to Him!  What a blessing!

Well, I hope and pray that you will all stop and give thanks today for your heavenly Father and His love and care for you! 

Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday, August 7th - Psalm 75

Good Morning!

Praise God to whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him all creatures here below;
Praise Him above you heavenly hosts;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.  Amen!

I am praising Him this morning for all He has done and the many blessings He has given.  What an awesome God we serve!  May I always have His praise upon my lips! 

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 75: God holds firm no matter what.  He has final say over all.  Give Him praise today that you are counted among the righteous.

God is near! He watches over His children and cares for them - for us!  He has the final word and He will decide when He sends Jesus back to retrieve His bride - the Church!  What a glorious day that will be!  :o)

As Lisa wrote, give Him praise today for all that you have, and especially for your salvation - that you are a child of the King!  We are His! 

Have a great Sunday everyone!  Hope to see some of you at church!
Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Saturday, August 6th - Psalm 74

Good Morning!

It is going to be a hot and sticky day!  Whew!  I have been helping a friend move and as I was loading her van this morning, thanked the Lord that it wasn't raining, but wishing it would!  Know what i mean?  Maybe it will rain after we get the furniture moved!  :o)

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 74: Today, people are still trying to foolishly destroy/erase the name of God.  We must be His voice and earthly dwelling places!

As I read today's psalm, I was taken aback with the way it read to current situations, as if I was reading today's news.  I am amazed at the patience of God our Father!  His creation has turned their back on Him so many times and continually try and destroy His creation and Him.  I guess David felt the same way, as in verse 10 he asks how long will the enemy mock You, O God?  Verse 11 really struck me in a different way - "Why do you hold back your hand, your right hand?  Take it from the folds of your garment and destroy them!"  I know God is ALL powerful - ALL knowing - and he is ALL!  We cannot even imagine His strength, His knowledge, His awesomeness and His love!  He paid the ultimate price for us, His children, in giving His only Son to die and rise again, conquering death, so that we might have eternal life with Him.  Praises to His Name!

Verses 12 - 23 tell of God's accomplishments!  He is an awesome God!  I am in awe of Him!
Let us be His witnesses and continue to share with others His love and grace!  Be His witnesses today, in all that you do and say, let Him shine through!

Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn

Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday, August 5th - Psalm 73

Good Evening!

I apologize for the delay today, but things weren't in my control!! I was helping a friend move and trying to help make sense of he chaos, but...  The big move is tomorrow and I would appreciate your prayers.

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 73:vs 2-3 so easy to do.  If I take my eyes off of God, I see the world's definition of success; but that leads to spiritual failure.

I have thought many a time how I would continue on in this life if I did not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  I turn to Him in most everything and with every major decision!  I try and focus on Him all the hours of the day and to praise Him for the good and the bad!  He is my Rock!  He is my Refuge!  He is my strength and my hope!  He is my everything!
As Lisa stated, if we take our eyes off of God, we can see what the world thinks is important!  Just listen to the news for five minutes!  It is amazing how prevalent it is, even here in the USA.  I am so very thankful for everything that I have, but I am most thankful that I am a daughter of the most High and know that some day (maybe soon), I will go and live with HIM forever!  Praise be to the Father -  the Son and the Holy Spirit!

Cheri Lynn

Thursday, August 4th - Psalm 72

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 72: Pray that the leaders of our church, our nation, and all the nations would have the attributes and blessings listed in this Psalm.

In today's world, it is imperative that we pray for our leaders!  Start locally and move up and out!  Pray for those that are searching for the Truth and ask people to share it with others.  I we can go out in pairs, that is what needs to be done.  Be a "missionary"!

The last three verses of this psalm are awesome:  PRAISE!!! 

Have a great day everyone!
Love and prayers,

Cheri Lynn

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wednesday, August 3rd - Psalm 71

Good Morning!

It's Wednesday!  We are half way through the week!  How are things going?  I hope you are having a great week! 

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 71 v20: 100% TRUE! He was with me in my darkest time. As I repented and followed Him, He restored and comforted and increased my honor.

This Psalm is packed with praise and petition for refuge.  The psalmist knows he can always turn to God in the bad times and the good times.  He praises God for what He has done and continues to do in his life.  Look at verses 5 through 8 - "For you have been my hope.....my confidence since my youth.  From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother's womb, I will ever praise you....you are my strong refuge. My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long."  God does the very same for us!  He is my hope and my confidence and I have relied on Him since my youth.  I praise Him daily and thank Him for His love!

Verses 14 through 18 speak of missions and sharing what God does for us!  Even though the psalmist doesn't understand it completely, he shares!  We may not know everything, but we can share how HE has changed our lives!  We can share and tell of His grace and His love! 
As Lisa tweeted, verse 20 is true!  It is then followed by praise for His faithfulness, His Holiness, and shouting for joy as one He has redeemed!  Hallelujah!  I will praise You and share the Good News all day long and until I am with You in Heaven!  Praise to the Father - to the Son - and to the Holy Spirit!! Praise forever and ever!

Well, we have our marching orders!  Go and share the Good News!  Praise Him in the morning and in the afternoon and all the day through!  This reminds me of a little chorus my kids and I sing together that could really be sung between me and God.
"Skitamarinkidinkidink  Skitamarinkido  I love you!  Skitamarinkidinkidink  Skitamarinkido  I love you!  I love you in the morning and in the afternoon; I love you in the evening underneath the moon!  Skitamarinkidinkidink  Skitamarinkido  I love you! 
I know, I know - y'all think I am crazy, but even though this is a crazy little chorus, It expresses my feelings!  My kids sing it with me and we just have fun with it!  We can have fun times with God too!  He loves to have intimate times with us and we can be ourselves, as He knows who we are and what we think,  He loves it when we tell Him we love Him, whether is a crazy little tune or through tears of joy or cries of sorrow - He wants to know we love Him and rely on Him and live for Him!  You know we could also insert other words in the simple tune:  serve, thank, praise, but I think I really like the original - LOVE!

Have a great day!
Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuesday, August 2nd - Psalm 70

Good Morning!

Back to a morning time today!  It through my day off yesterday not doing this blog in the morning.  I look forward to this time when we can just visit!  It looks like it is going to be another beautiful day! 

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 70: Hasten/quickly--God's timing is perfect, but in our humanness, we can ask God to hurry!  Always trust that He is your deliverer (5).

How many times have you asked God to hurry?  We all do it!  However, there are so many times I can see where God was almost shouting at me: "Patience dear child - in My time!"  His timing IS perfect and I see that everyday! 
He is my help and my deliverer!  I can run into His arms at any time and any day!  He stands with open arms to greet and hold me!  Awesome!  I feel safe in His hands!!

"Let God be exalted!"  May His name constantly be on my lips in praise!  I love you Lord!!

Have a great Tuesday!  God Bless!
Cheri Lynn

Monday, August 1, 2011

Monday, August 1st - Psalm 69

Good evening!

Sorry for being late today, but I was working this morning and didn't get to the blog.  Sorry!  I was up at 4:00am and trying to catch up on some things from work.  I did pray for y'all though!  :o)

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 69: v 13: What else can we do when overwhelmed?  Sometimes it's hard to pray because we want to wallow in self-pity.  I prayed v 6 over me.

I rest in the promise that the Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf.  When I do not know what to say or pray, He takes my thoughts and feelings to the Lord and "stands in the gap" for me!  He knows me inside and out and can speak for me without any problem.  Praise the Lord!

Did you know that the Father wants nothing more than our praise?  He wants to have that kind of relationship with me and with you that He can hear your heart before you speak it and feel the praise you have within.  All I want to do is praise Him! 
The last seven verses of this psalm are in praise!  Take a moment just to praise Him for who He is in your life and to sing praise to Him now in honor of Him.  He is eternal, sovereign, promise-keeper, and love!

I love y'all!
Cheri Lynn