Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tuesday, August 16th - Psalm 84

Good Evening!

Sorry I am running a little late with the Blog today, but I had some other things come up and didn't have time this morning after my devotions.  I hope y'all had a great day! 

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 84: v1-2) There is peace in the house of the Lord. V 3 - All are counted worthy by God - even the most insignificant sparrow - and He loves you.

I used verses 1 and 2 this morning as status on my Facebook page.  All I can say to verse 2 is AMEN!  Do you ever have that feeling, that your heart aches because you want to know Him more?  Have you ever been in communion with Him and just started to cry - wanting to see God, wanting Him to hold you in His arms, and wanting more of His presence?  There are times when I have been praying and it feels so good it hurts!  I feel His presence and yet long for more!  I want to be more like Him! 

In verse 4 we see that those who dwell in the House of the Lord are forever praising Him.  That is what we have to look forward to in eternity!  Hallelujah!
Verses 10 and 11 are a chorus that we sing at Eastview and hear on the radio occasionally. "Better Is One Day"!  And verse 12 says it all, "...blessed is the man who trusts in You."  Blessed is the one that trusts in God for everything - the one that allows Him complete control of his life - the one that runs to the Father with everything - the little and the big.

I will praise You forever!  You are my Rock and my Fortress!  I trust in You!!  I love You, Lord!

Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn

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