Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday, August 28th - Psalm 96

Good Morning!

What an appropriate Psalm we have for today!  A psalm of praise!  As I read it I thought of all the praise songs that we sing and all taken from different verses of this very psalm. Verse 7 forward inspired our own Matt L. to compose a praise hymn! God is good and most worthy of our praise!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 96: Praise and praise some more! Look at all the action words - sing, proclaim, declare, ascribe, worship.  Find new ways to praise today.

This is not only a song of praise, but also encouragement to share with ALL nations and peoples!  "Proclaim His salvation day after day.  Declare his glory among the nations. His marvelous deeds among ALL people." (emphasis is mine)  Nations, all peoples, and the earth are mentioned several times throughout this passage.  Sharing the Word is important!

Have you ever looked at the definition of sing?  I did this morning and this is what I found:  "sing (verb): 1. a. to produce musical tones by means of the voice; b. to utter words in musical tones and with musical inflections and modulations   2.  to make a shrill whining or whistling sound   3.  a. to relate or celebrate something in verse;  b. to compose poetry;  c. to create in or through words a feeling or sense of song   4.  to produce musical or harmonious sounds   5. buzz, ring   6. to make a cry   7. to give information or evidence   8. to relate or celebrate in verse   9. to bring or accompany to a place or state by singing".
From the different definitions above, I think everyone CAN sing!  There are no excuses!  Some that sing may be more melodious, but everyone can sing!  :o)
Look at number 3 and 8 -  to relate or celebrate - sharing the Gospel through song!  I really like number 9 - to bring or accompany to a place or state by singing - as we come before His Throne in worship and song!  Maybe this is why I have tears so often as I enter His presence and realize how much I love Him and want to serve Him and how very grateful I am for His love and grace.

Wow!  Read this psalm over again throughout the day and find new ways to praise Him that are special to you!  Sing this very psalm to Him.  Go out in His great creation and shout your praise to Him.  Bow and kneel before Him!
"Sing to the Lord a new song!"

Have a wonderful, praise-filled and prayer-filled day!
Love y'all!
Cheri Lynn

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