Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saturday, August 20th - Psalm 88

Good Evening GEMS!

I apologize for being later today, but I have a good reason!  :o)  I was participating in the GEMS Leadership Retreat and we were taking a rest from technology.  Yes, most of us had our phones and kept them turned on vibrate in case the kids called or needed something, but that was pretty much the extent of technology.  No TV and no radio!  It was WONDERFUL!  Just us - God's beautiful creation - mosquitoes and locust - His Word - and a little stuffed lamb! 
Sleep deprived for one night and yet I feel so refreshed and new!  It was great and I really enjoyed getting to know the leadership better, but most of all I enjoyed praying for each of you and the GEMS Ministry!  I am so proud and honored to serve y'all and to grow right along with you!  We serve a GREAT and AWESOME God!

On to Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 88: Even when things are horrible, CHOOSE to pray.  CHOOSE to remember who God is - that He is able - He's been 'there' before with someone.

The psalmist writes from the heart and does so with such conviction and passion.  No matter how tough things got, he always went to the Lord God for strength, for peace, for encouragement, for guidance, and for love.  He was always praying - not just in the bad times, but in the good times too!  What an example for us!

Do you ever have days when you feel like nothing is going right, nobody is paying attention to you, you are overwhelmed with 'life' and feel you take two steps backwards for every half step forward?  Take heart, be encouraged because HE is with you and will comfort you and will walk beside you!  HE has been there before, in every situation.  He cares for you and He is willing to walk every step this side of Heaven with you, if you but ask!  Give Him control - surrender to Him and let Him lead.  HE will take you to places and do things with you that you never thought possible.  HE will do the impossible if you but surrender!

We read a passage in 2 Kings 3:9-20 this morning and I would challenge you to read it and meditate on it.  Then ask yourself this question: What ditch do I need to dig?

I love y'all!
Cheri Lynn

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