Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thursday, August 11th - Psalm 79

Good Evening!

It was rather hectic at my house this morning and therefore I didn't get my blog done.  Sorry!  My parents left this morning to return to Missouri!  We miss them already!  It was great having my Mom here for almost three weeks.  The kids sure do like having their grandparents around!  Me too!  Mom and I had some great conversation while she was here.

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 79 v 10: People scoff at God.  If we never hear that, we're only hanging out with believers.  Pray for opportunities to speak about Him.

I see this all the time and everywhere!  I see it at work, at restaurants, malls, and even in the schools.  We have a big job to do!  I love to share the Gospel with those that I meet, but sometimes it is hard.  How about you, do you find it hard to talk about our Living Lord and
Savior?  We must share the Good News!

I like the 13th verse: "Then we your people....will praise you forever....generation we will recount your praise."  No matter the circumstances, we (I) will praise His Holy Name.  He is worthy of our praise!  Share the many blessings you have been given - share His love with those that do not have - show His love through your serving in His Kingdom!  He loves you and so do we?

Talk to you in the morning!
Love and prayers,

Cheri Lynn

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