Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wednesday, August 3rd - Psalm 71

Good Morning!

It's Wednesday!  We are half way through the week!  How are things going?  I hope you are having a great week! 

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 71 v20: 100% TRUE! He was with me in my darkest time. As I repented and followed Him, He restored and comforted and increased my honor.

This Psalm is packed with praise and petition for refuge.  The psalmist knows he can always turn to God in the bad times and the good times.  He praises God for what He has done and continues to do in his life.  Look at verses 5 through 8 - "For you have been my hope.....my confidence since my youth.  From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother's womb, I will ever praise you....you are my strong refuge. My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long."  God does the very same for us!  He is my hope and my confidence and I have relied on Him since my youth.  I praise Him daily and thank Him for His love!

Verses 14 through 18 speak of missions and sharing what God does for us!  Even though the psalmist doesn't understand it completely, he shares!  We may not know everything, but we can share how HE has changed our lives!  We can share and tell of His grace and His love! 
As Lisa tweeted, verse 20 is true!  It is then followed by praise for His faithfulness, His Holiness, and shouting for joy as one He has redeemed!  Hallelujah!  I will praise You and share the Good News all day long and until I am with You in Heaven!  Praise to the Father - to the Son - and to the Holy Spirit!! Praise forever and ever!

Well, we have our marching orders!  Go and share the Good News!  Praise Him in the morning and in the afternoon and all the day through!  This reminds me of a little chorus my kids and I sing together that could really be sung between me and God.
"Skitamarinkidinkidink  Skitamarinkido  I love you!  Skitamarinkidinkidink  Skitamarinkido  I love you!  I love you in the morning and in the afternoon; I love you in the evening underneath the moon!  Skitamarinkidinkidink  Skitamarinkido  I love you! 
I know, I know - y'all think I am crazy, but even though this is a crazy little chorus, It expresses my feelings!  My kids sing it with me and we just have fun with it!  We can have fun times with God too!  He loves to have intimate times with us and we can be ourselves, as He knows who we are and what we think,  He loves it when we tell Him we love Him, whether is a crazy little tune or through tears of joy or cries of sorrow - He wants to know we love Him and rely on Him and live for Him!  You know we could also insert other words in the simple tune:  serve, thank, praise, but I think I really like the original - LOVE!

Have a great day!
Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn

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