Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wednesday, August 10th - Psalm 78

Good Morning!

Let's get right to it as we have a very long Psalm today!  :o)

Lisa's tweets: LMRMinistries: Psalm 78: Israel's history with God.  He gives, protects and provides, but like spoiled kids, Israel asks for more (9-20).  Be grateful to God.

LMRMinistries: Psalm 78: (extra!) Do we-like God (52) and David (70-72) act as shepherds to those around us?  If we love God, we will take care of His people.

The history of Israel in a psalm!  This is the cliff notes version!  :o)  After reading it, I look at today's world and realize it is the same.  God provides and still more is requested!  Have we learned?  Are we learning?  As Lisa wrote and I agree, are we being the shepherds that God has called us to be?

Did you notice in the first verses of this psalm how the history was shared and remembered?  It was shared from one generation to another.  Unfortunately, I think we have lost this art of sharing.  Sometimes it seems we are too busy to look back!  We can learn so much from what has happened in the past. 
My Mom has been writing a "book" to pass on to us that has her family's history.  It is all so very interesting as we look back to our ancestors and see how God was at work in our family tree!  My grandmother and I spent hours going through old pictures and writing down names and working on our Family Tree.  It was fun!  She dies while I was in Portugal and I came home to sing for her funeral.  I was a little upset with God as He had taken my mentor Home and I wasn't ready to say good-bye, but I understood a little better on the day of her funeral.
I got up to sing and looked out over the crowd and my eyes were drawn to our family sitting in the first five to seven rows.  There sat my Grandpa who was a minister; their five children - two sons were ministers in churches in Pennsylvania and Ohio; two daughters were ministers wives in Illinois and Tennessee; and the remaining daughter was a widow of an elder in the church in Michigan.  The grandchildren filled the pews as well and all of us had a personal relationship with Christ and several were ministers, ministers wives, missionaries, and students of the Word.  What a legacy my Grandma had left behind as she went Home!  God knew it was time for her to be with Him and leave the work to her family!
Sorry to get so personal, but I share all of that to say that we have a job to do!  We are to be the shepherds and preachers and teachers of our generation!  We are called to share the Good News!  Let us go and share with pride in our Christian heritage and take care of God's people. 

Hope y'all have a great day!
Love and prayers!
Cheri Lynn

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