Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday, August 12th - Psalm 80

Good Morning!

It is Friday and we have made it through another week.  Does it seem like time is flying by for you?  I just can't believe how fast the summer has flown by and the kids will be starting school next week!  My nephews started Monday of this week.  Whew!  What a great time to look at your priorities and possibly rearrange - remove - re-energize - respect and remember what is important.  This is on my list of "to do" for this weekend and next week.  How about you?

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 80: If you are needing God to restore you, ask God to show you any areas where you have not kept to His ways. God is faithful - are you?

There is a recurring verse in this psalm that I love: "Restore us, O God; make your face shine upon us, that we may be saved." (vs 3) In verse 7 the psalmist adds "...O God Almighty..." and in verse 19 he adds yet again "...O Lord God Almighty..."
In some of the translations the words "Turn us" are used.  It is said that He is "turning" or restoring our character and not necessarily our circumstances.  In verse 3 we see the Creator God - in verse 7 we see the Almighty God that is to be feared or be in awe of Him - and then in verse 19 we see the I AM, the all powerful God! 
I look forward to the day when I will kneel before His Throne and praise Him with my whole being (with a new body) and allow His face to shine upon me!  It will be brilliant and full of light!  My earthly eyes cannot even imagine or look upon His face with the brilliance of light, but I will see Him face to face in Glory!  Hallelujah!!
It is all about conversion - communion and confidence of salvation!  As Lisa said, God is faithful - are we? 
Take time to examine your life and ask God to speak to you!  What better time than today? 

Have a great day everyone!
Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn

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