Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday, August 26th - Psalm 94

Good Morning!

It's Friday!  We are almost to the weekend!  What big plans have you made for Saturday and Sunday?  I hope to see some of you out and about and at church!  It's going to be a great weekend!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 94:If a person convinces himself there is no God, he can do evil without concern. God is justice.  He created us and comforts His own.

The psalmist is pretty straight forward in this writing.  He speaks of those that do not believe there is a God and asks them pointed and logical questions as to why or how can they not believe there is a God.  Verses 8-11 ask the questions: Can the creator of the ear not hear?  Can the Creator not see even when He created the eye?  Does He who teaches man lack knowledge?  It is almost like the psalmist wants to say, Duh?

I have had the privilege of being raised and growing up in a Christian home and I am very thankful for my Christian parents.  I really do not know how I would make it if I didn't know I could turn to my God, my Savior and my Comforter for help, or encouragement, or guidance.  Through prayer, through the reading of His Word, and through His people (my friends, family and you - GEMS) I can walk tall with Him and share His love and Salvation story.

Verses 12-15 remind us that He will take care of His own.  He cares for us!  He loves His people!  Then in verse 16 He gives the call to missions - to share His story and His love!  Will you take a stand for God?  He will protect you, support you, and console you!  I will take that stand!  Will you join me?  Let us go out today and share the Gospel with those we meet. 
Let's be fearless and dangerous and ridiculous as we share His love!

Have a great Friday!
Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn

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