Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday, August 31st - Psalm 99

Good Evening!

Busy day again today!  Sorry I didn't get this written this morning, but with working the Call Center, my parents being here and taking the kids to daycare and school, I ran out of time!  I'm not complaining though, as it has been great to have Mom and Dad here for a couple days.  They leave in the morning and we will miss having them around!

Lisa's Tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 99 v6-8: We ask God for help; He answers; He expects us to live out the answer.  When we sin, there are consequences AND forgiveness.

God hears and answers us as well, when we pray for help or for wisdom.  He also disciplines us as His children!  However, He forgives!!!! 

Did you notice three different times in this psalm God is referred to as Holy!  Verse 3: "Let them praise your great and awesome name--he is holy."  Verse 5: "Exalt the Lord our God and worship at his footstool; he is holy."  And finally, verse 9:  "Exalt the Lord our God and worship at his holy mountain, for the Lord our God is holy."
We serve an awesome God and He is a forgiving God and most worthy of our praise!  Will you stop what you are doing right this minute and enter into a few minutes of communion with God?  Praise Him for who He is - Worship Him with joy in your heart!  Repent of any sin in your life today - for impure thoughts or actions.  He will forgive!  Ask whatever is on your heart - I am asking for a little extra energy and for safe travel for my folks tomorrow as they return to Missouri.  And finally, Yield to Him - surrender and let Him be the Lord of your life!  He hears and answers prayer!  He loves us!

Hope you have a great evening!  I love y'all!
Cheri Lynn

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