Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday, August 8th - Psalm 76

Good Morning!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 76: It's comforting to know that God - while loving - also shows anger and judgement.  He gives boundaries and demands respect - Perfect Parent.

Our God is powerful!  He is a God of order!  He has made rules to be followed and He is the Judge!  He is fair and upright!  He cares for and loves His children and will discipline them (us) because of His love.

Being a parent is not easy!  I don't know how I would do it without God on my side!  I know I am not perfect and there are times I wonder if i am doing anything right, but I am reminded that God is watching over me and the children and I daily put it all in His hands.  Yes, I trust in God to provide the wisdom and patience to raise my children, that they know Him and see Him in me.  It is hard, but I love being a Mom! 

My Mom has been here for two weeks helping with Nathaniel and it has been such a blessing.  It is so different than when I was growing up!   We talk on a different level and remember how things were when I was growing up and how much different it is raising kids today than in years past.  However, there is one thing that is the same and has not and never will change - God!  I was raised in a Christian home and I am raising my children in a Christian home. 
I praise God every day for the little blessings He has entrusted to my care and I pray that I will follow His lead and bring them up in His ways.  I love my children so very much, but also know that they belong to Him!  What a blessing!

Well, I hope and pray that you will all stop and give thanks today for your heavenly Father and His love and care for you! 

Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn

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