Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Saturday, August 27th - Psalm 95

Good Morning!

What a beautiful day!  Today is a special day for my family, as it is Derlani's Adoption Birthday!  What a blessing!  It is so much fun to celebrate with family and friends and we will do just that today for Derlani!  She is so excited!  It's going to be a great day!

Lisa's tweet: LMRMinistries: Psalm 95 v 6: Bow and kneel. How often do you physically bow and kneel as you pray and worship? I need to do it more! I am more focused then.

This is a psalm of praise and adoration!  Can't you hear the music as your read?  This is a good psalm to sing to the Lord!  He loves to hear His children sing His Word!  It is a sweet offering to Him.  "Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our Salvation." vs. 1
Many of the verses of praise are repeated throughout the psalms, as music was an important part of David's life.  He was a musician, both of instrument and voice.  Throughout the psalms you see his talents and his love for music.  I can relate to David and I love to sing God's praise!  Music is such a big part of my life and I absolutely love musical worship!  I usually have tears running down my face as I worship in song, but I just feel so "connected" and blessed and loved as I praise my God, my Savior and Lord.

Verses 3-5 discuss God's creation and that HE is God!  As I read on in verses 6 and 7 I was reminded of Psalm 23.  Let us bow down and worship!  Kneel before our Maker and our Lord!  He is our God and we are the people of His pasture - the flock under His care!  Can you see it?  I have a picture in my mind that is so peaceful and yet so strong!  I see the Shepherd (Jesus) standing on a hill overlooking the pasture.  There is a brilliant light around Him as I see Him open and extend His arms as if to orchestrate the worship!  There are hundreds, thousands, even millions of people (sheep) that begin to bow and kneel before Him!  We are safe as He takes care of us!  I hear a trumpet and the music begins - we, His people, begin to sing and worship and enter His presence with thanksgiving.  Wow! (The tears are rolling!)
Can you see it?  Can you hear it?

I, too, need to bow and kneel before the Lord more!  I want that intimate focused time with Him.  Will you join us?  Let us be more purposeful in our quiet time posture - let's bow and kneel before the Lord and give Him thanks and have that intimate conversation with Him.  He is worthy!

Have a great Saturday!
Love and prayers,
Cheri Lynn

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