Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

GEMS - a poem shared at our last meeting

This poem was shared at our "Celebration - Reflection" meeting last week and we wanted to post it here on the Blog.  Thank you Angela for sharing!

GEMS...a word that most women associate with sparkling diamonds or maybe a pearl.
But GEMS to me, means so much more, because it opened up a brand new world.

GEMS took me out of my comfort zone and placed my life in another space.
It strengthened my walk with Christ, and has taken my faith to a higher place.

New friendships...awesome group leader...and even some fun girl time!
GEMS, in many big and small ways, has blessed this life of mine!

"God Embracing Mothers who are Single" that's what GEMS stands for on the surface.
But, GEMS has helped me to see God's plan in my life, with a more clearly defined purpose!

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