Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday, June 5th - Psalm 11

Good evening!

How was your day?  It started off gloomy and raining quite hard at times, but ended with sunshine and blue skies!  I am not a real big fan of storms, but being in church when the thunder rolls and the lightening flashes - it seems okay! 

Let's get to our passage for today.  Lisa's tweet was: LMRMinistries:Psalm 11 v 5: The Lord will test believers; and He does not play.  You are either on His team - or not.  He is in control.

In the Lord I take refuge.....Wow!  I wish I could say that I run to the Lord every single time I need Him, but sometimes I try and do it on my own.  I, like so many others, feel that He doesn't need to be bothered with my little things.  I take the big decisions to Him, but try and do most of it on my own!  He IS concerned about the little things.  He wants to be the first one we turn to - no matter what! 
"The Lord is in His Holy temple; the Lord is on His heavenly throne."  He is my refuge!  He is looking out for me!  He is in control if I but hand over the reins!  Let Him take control!

Father God, I ask that you help me "give up" my everything to You.  May I always remember that you are just as concerned with the small things as you are with the big ones.  Take my life and let it be a beacon for You!  May my words reflect You and Your message of salvation!  May my life show in action that YOU are in control!  I love you and long to serve you more!  Cheri Lynn

Start the new week with a smile on your face and love in your heart for all those you will meet this week.  Blessings!

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