Our Mission

To lovingly provide a small group ministry for single mothers of all ages both inside and outside of Eastview Christian Church to help them become intensely dedicated to Jesus Christ.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Saturday, June 11th - Psalm 17


How has your Saturday been?  Mine started out fairly normal, but then had some excitement.  There were three little girls that were left in a car by their Dad and the car some how got in gear and started rolling into the parking lot and then into the street.  They were scared and as I jumped out of the van and chased the car, I realized God's protective hand on them and me!  There was no traffic on a very busy street at 12:45 on a Saturday!  The girls were okay and even the car was still running.  It was very "emotional" for me and the kids.  Nathaniel just kept saying, "Mom, God put you there at that time to help them and He took care of the girls and you!"  My little man - I am so proud of him.

As I read our Psalm for today I was reminded of His love and His truth.  He cares for me - for us, and He will protect us and hear our prayers!

Lisa's tweet:  LMRMinistries: Psalm 17: v3a great prayer/goal for us. Unlike the wicked, our reward is not in this life (14).  We live to be right in God's eyes.
The phrase in verse 1 - "Give ear to my prayer..." is used or written several times throughout the Psalms.  Listen to my prayers Lord, they come from a true heart and I know You hear and answer.  We have the awesome opportunity and right to enter the presence of our King and our God in prayer at any time!  We do not have to go through a High Priest, but we can pray directly to the Father.  The Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf when we just don't know what to say, but God listens and He hears!

Father God, I praise You tonight as I sit and think about the activities of the day.  I saw You in the sunrise, as You caused the colors to fade into morning bright; I saw You in the smiles on my son's and daughter's face as we laughed together at lunch; and I saw Your angels protect three little girls in a run-away car!  You are Awesome God and I praise You!  Hear my prayer O Lord!  Search my heart and see if there is any wicked way in me; cleanse me and allow me to walk closer to Thee.  Bless all my fellow GEMS and wrap Your arms around them and let them feel secure in Your love!  Protect them!  I love You!  In Jesus name!  your daughter - Cheri Lynn

Sleep well GEMS!  I hope to see some of you tomorrow.  :o)

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